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Novocaine blockade beat cancer

Alexander Romanovsky, a war veteran, a psychiatrist, doctor Manuology. Now retired, but working in the mental hospital in Moscow. Treats cancer.
     The last statement we are certainly interested. Not every day you meet a man who has found a cure for the disease of the XX century. How to treat? The cure? How successful? The following picture unfolded before us.
     Until now, neither the doctors nor the biologists do not know exactly what the cause of cancer. Viruses? Microbes? Environmental disasters? Definitely can not answer no. And what if the search for the cause is not in the external action, and within the body? Healthy cells die, giving way to a cancer cell, - why it is destroyed? First of all, it can be killed by a violation of its power (trophism). What is the cause of poor cell power? In disorders of the nervous reflex functions. From the brain along the nerve strands go to all organs nerve impulses that carry signals to the cells of nutrients. These pulses can be delayed in the field of nerve cell connections with one another and with the bodies of the cells. As a result - cells remain without food and die. The reasons for disruption of the nerves may be neuroses, stress, depression, fatigue. No coincidence that in our nervous tension while cancer is becoming more common. For neurogenic theory of occurrence of cancer tumors expressed our Russian academicians Pavlov, Wisniewski, Bogomolets, Speransky wrote about this German scientists Kongeym and Virchow. Thus, based on scientific research and its logic calculations, Romanovsky came to the conclusion that the cause of cancer lies in the disorder of the nervous activity of the organism. This was his first step.
     After that, it was necessary to find a cure. For months Alexander was sitting in the library and found him still. They became procaine, or rather creeping infiltration novocaine blockade around the painful area. Novocaine - a well-known drug. It was synthesized in 1906, and since then is mainly used as an anesthetic in operations. Meanwhile, the properties of novocaine is clearly beyond the scope of conventional anesthesia. Novocaine normalizes functional condition of the nervous system, has a positive effect on the circulatory system, and most importantly - has a very strong neurotrophic effect, ie normalize eating healthy cells. And it is this, according to Romanovsky, it is the most important component in the treatment of cancer. Importantly, procaine not addictive and has no side effects. Break the mountain of literature, Alexander came to the conclusion that over ninety years, no one doctor did not come up with the idea to apply for the treatment of tumors Novocain!

     However, one novocaine not solve the problem - it is necessary to apply in symbiosis with vitamin B1, which also speeds up the passage of nerve impulses and improves cell nutrition. Enter novocaine and vitamin B1 should be different. First, the method of manual therapy is a sore point - in the area of ​​the spinal cord, where the nerves come from the patient's body. Then, subcutaneously, on both sides, the rollers are administered procaine (0.5% solution). After that pricked intramuscular vitamin B1. Found a symbiosis of novocaine with vitamins was the second step Romanovsky.
     The third step - healing. Is Alexander someone helped? Yes, it helps! Through his hands passed 10 people with cancer, they all had grade IV disease with metastases to nearby organs, all - discharged from the hospital but subject to further treatment. And all Romanovsky to his feet, regained health. Die from stomach cancer, pancreatic head cancer, tonsil, breast cancer, brain cancer returned to normal. The very first injection of completely relieves pain, and after 46 sessions, they recovered.

«  Январь 2025  »

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